I have searched for a long time for all these video and computer gaming websites. More often than not they are hard to find, because most do not rank high in the search engines if they are even listed. Even directories do not have all the answers. I have exhaustively searched the major engines and directories. Some developers do not currently have their own site and then I have to track down their parent or partner company, if they have one. Whatever the case, I will put up every gaming company that I find, whether or not they are on the Internet. I am determined that this page be as complete as possible.
Categories subject to change. Most links are not yet organized into their correct categories. Don't be surprised if a link does not work. URL's are always changing and it is hard for one person to keep up.
Developers and Publishers
1C Games - www.1cgames.com
2015 Games - www.2015games.com
3D6 Games - www.3d6games.com
3DO (defunct) - www.3do.com
3D Realms Games - www.3drealmsgames.com
7 Studios - www.sevenstudios.com
Abandon Entertainment - www.abandonent.com
Access Games - www.accessgames.com
Acclaim Entertainment (defunct: 2004) (where are the properties going?)
Acclaim - www.acclaim.com
Acclaim Cheltenham - www.acclaimcheltenham.com
Acclaim Max Sports - www.acclaimmaxsports.com
Acclaim Salt Lake - www.acclaimsaltlake.com
Acclaim Sports - www.acclaimsports.com
Acclaim Studios Austin - www.acclaimstudiosaustin.com
Acclaim Studios Cheltenham - www.acclaimstudioscheltenham.com
Acclaim Studios Teeside (or Teesside) - ?
Acquire Games - www.acquiregames.com
Activision 4.0 - www.activision.com
Activision O2 - www.activisiono2.com
Adrenium Games - www.adreniumgames.com
Advanced Communication (defunct dev?)
Adventure Company, The (is this a developer?) - www.theadventurecompany.com
A1 Games - www.a1games.com
Agetec.com - www.agetec.com
AIA USA - www.aiagotgames.com
Aki Corporation (Games?) - www.akicorporation.com
Altar Interactive -
Altron Games - www.altrongames.com
Amaze Entertainment - www.amazeentertainment.com
Amuzement Vision - www.amuzementvision.com
Amuze - www.amuze.com
Anchor (Games?) - www.anchor.co.jp Mostly in Japanese
Ancient Games - www.ancientgames.com
Andamiro Entertainment - www.andamiro.com arcade games?
AN Entertainment (dev? or anime co?) - www.anentertainment.com
Angel Studios - www.angelstudios.com
Apogee/3D Realms - www.3drealms.com
Argonaut Games - www.argonaut.com
Aki Games - www.akigames.com
Akira Games - www.akira.co.jp In Japanese
Archos (Games?) - www.archosgames.com
Arcsy (dev?) - www.arcsy.co.jp
Arc System Works (same as Arcsy?) - www.arcsystemworks.com
Arkane Studios (site incorrect) - www.arkanestudios.com
Artech Studios (is this a developer?) - www.artechstudios.com
Artificial Mind and Movement (A2M) - www.a2m.com
Artoon Games (dev?) - www.artoongames.com
Arush Entertainment - www.arushentertainment.com
Ascaron Software (or Entertainment?)- www.ascaron.com
Asmik Ace - www.asmik-ace.co.jp In Japanese
Atari - www.atari.com
Atari Melbourne House (is this a part of Atari?) - www.atarimelbournehouse.com
Ath(k?)is Games - www.athisgames.com
Atlus Games - www.atlusgames.com
Atlus USA (is there also just 'Atlus'?) - www.atlus.com
Atomic Games - www.atomic.com
Atomic Planet Games (same as Atomic Games?) - www.atomicplanetgames.com
Attention to Detail (ATD) - www.atd.co.uk
Auran Software (?)- www.auransoftware.com
Avalanche Software - www.avalanchesoftware.com
Awesome Studios (dev?) - www.awesomestudios.com
Axis Games - www.axisgames.com
Backbone Entertainment - www.backboneentertainment.com
Bam! Entertainment - www.bam4fun.com
Bandai (Entertainment? Games?) - www.bandai-ent.com
Banpresto - www.banpresto.co.jp
Barking Dog Studios - www.barking-dog.com
Battlebo(u?)rne Entertainment (Inc?) - www.battleborneentertainment.com
Battlefront - www.battlefront.com
Battle Net - www.battle.net
Beam Software (defunct? Back to the Future)
Best Way Games - www.bestwaygames.com
Bethesda Softworks - www.bethsoft.com
Beyond Games - www.beyondgames.com
Big Ape Productions - www.bigape.com
Big Blue Box Studios (or Games?) - www.bigbluebox.com
Big Huge Games - www.bighugegames.com
Bioware (still around?) - www.bioware.com
Bird Studio (dev?) - www.birdstudio.com
Bits Studios (dev?) - www.bitsstudios.com
Bizarre Creations - www.bizarrecreations.com
BKN International (dev?) - www.bkninternational.com
Black Box Studios (still around?) - www.blackboxstudios.com
Black Isle Studios (defunct?) - www.blackisle.com
Black Label Games - www.blacklabelgames.com
Black Ops - www.blackops.com
Blade Interactive Studios - www.bladeinteractive.com
Blitz Games - www.blitzgames.com
Blizzard Entertainment - www.blizzard.com
Blue Byte - www.bluebyte.net
Blue Fang Games - www.bluefanggames.com
Blue Shift Games - www.blueshiftgames.com
Blue Tongue Software - www.bluetongue.com
Bohemia Interactive Studio - www.bohemiainteractivestudio.com
Boolat Games (Ukranian) - www.boolatgames.com
Bottle Rocket Entertainment - www.bottlerocketentertainment.com
Brat Designs - www.brat-designs.com
Breakaway Games - www.breakawaygames.com
Broad Q (dev?) - www.broadq.com
Broadsword Interactive (dev?) - www.broadswordinteractive.com
Brownie Brown - www.br2.co.jp
Buena Vista Interactive (Entertainment?) - www.buenavistainteractive.com
Bu(i?)g Bear Games (dev?) - www.bugbeargames.com
Buka Entertainment - www.buka.com
Bullfrog Productions - www.bullfrog.co.uk
Bungie Studios - www.bungie.com
Bunkasha (Games?) - www.bunka.co.jp In Japanese
C4 Digital (is this a developer?) - www.c4digital.com
Camelot Software Planning - www.camelot.co.jp In Japanese
Capcom - www.capcom.com
Capcom Production Studio 2 - www.capcomproductionstudio2.com
Capcom Production Studio 3 - www.capcomproductionstudio3.com
Capcom Production Studio 4 - www.capcomproductionstudio4.com
Capital Entertainment Group (dev?) - www.capitalentertainmentgroup.com
Carapace Game Development - www.carapace.com
Carbon 6 (dev?) - www.carbon6.com
CareerSoft (dev?) - www.careersoft.com
Cat Daddy Games - www.catdaddygames.com
Cavia Games - www.caviagames.com
Cave Dog Entertainment - www.cavedog.com
CD Projeckt (from Poland) - www.cdprojeckt.com
CDV Software (is this a developer?) - www.cdvsoftware.com
Celeris - www.celeris.com
Cenega Publishing (is this a developer?) - www.cenegapublishing.com
Check Six Studios - www.checksixstudios.com
Chisel Brain Software (dev?) - www.chiselbrainsoftware.com
Chunsoft - www.chunsoft.co.jp In Japanese
Cinegroup (dev?) - www.cinegroup.com
Cinemaware (dev?) - www.cinemaware.com
Circle of Confusion Productions (game dev?) - www.circleofconfusionproductions.com
Circus Freak Games (Studios?) - www.circusfreakgames.com
Clap Hanz - www.claphanz.co.jp In Japanese
Clever's Software Development (or Games, Ltd?) - www.clevers.com
Click Entertainment - www.clickent.com
Climax Development (?) - www.climax.co.uk
Climax Entertainment (Games?) - www.climax.co.jp In Japanese
Climax Group (?) - www.climaxgroup.com
Climax Motorsports - www.climaxmotorsports.com
Clover Studio(s?) (part of Capcom?) - www.cloverstudio.com
Code Masters (one word?) - www.codemasters.com
Colith Software (dev?) - www.colithsoftware.com
Collective, The (Collective Studios?) - www.collectivestudios.com
Computer Art Works - www.artworks.co.uk
Confounding Factor - www.confounding-factor.com
Conspiracy Games (Entertainment?) - www.conspiracygames.com
Contraband Entertainment - www.contrabandent.com
Contrail Games - www.contrailgames.com
Core Design - www.core-design.com
Coresoft - www.coresoftgames.com
Cornered Rat Software - www.corneredrat.com
Crave Entertainment - www.cravegames.com
Crawfish Interactive - www.crawfishinteractive.com
Creative Assembly, The (?) - www.thecreativeassembly.com
Criterion Games (Software?) - www.criteriongames.com
Croteam - www.croteam.com
Cryo Interactive - www.cryo-interactive.com
Cryptic Studios - www.crypticstudios.com
Crystal Dynamics - www.crystaldynamics.com
Crytek Software (or Games?) - www.cryteksoftware.com
Curly Monsters (dev?) - www.curlymonsters.com
Cyan Worlds - www.cyan.com
Cyber Connect Games - www.cyberconnectgames.com
Cyberlore Studios - www.cyberlore.com
Dark Black - www.darkblack.co.uk
Darkworks (dev?) - www.darkworks.com
Day 1 Studios (Games?) (dev?) - www.day1studios.com
DC Studios - www.dc-studios.com
Deep Red Games - www.deepredgames.com
Deep Silver - www.deepsilver.com
Deep Space Games - www.deepspacegames.com
Delphine Software International - www.delphinesoft.com
Destination Games - www.destinationgames.com
Destineer Games - www.destineergames.com
Digital Eclipse Software - www.digitaleclipse.com
Digital Extremes (Games?) - www.digitalextremes.com
Digital Fusion - www.fusiongames.com
Digital Illusions
Digital Illusions - www.dice.se
Digital Illusions CE Sweden (bought Refraction Games)
Digital Integration - www.digint.co.uk
Digital Legends Entertainment - www.digital-legends.net
Digital Leisure - www.digitalleisure.com
Digital Mayhem - digitalmayhem.interplay.com List under Interplay?
Dimps (Games?) - www.dimps.co.jp
Disney Interactive - disney.go.com
Diversions Entertaiment - www.diversionsentertainment.com
Double Fine Studios (Games, Productions?) - www.doublefinestudios.com
Dragonstone Software - www.dragonstone.com
DreamCatcher Interactive - www.dreamcatchergames.com
Dream Factory Games (Publishing?) - www.dreamfactorygames.com
DreamForge Intertainment - www.dreamforge.com
Dream Stage Entertainment - www.dreamstageentertainment.com
DSI Games - www.dsigames.com
Dynamix Games - www.dynamixgames.com
Eagle Dynamics (is this a developer?) - www.eagledynamics.com
Eden Studios - www.eden-studios.fr
Eden Studios Inc. - www.edenstudios.net
Edge of Reality - www.edgeofreality.com
Eidos Interactive - www.eidos.com
Electronic Arts
EA.com - www.ea.com
EA Canada - www.eacanada.com
EA Games - www.ea.com/eagames/main/home.jsp
EA LA - www.eala.com
EA Sports - www.ea.com/easports/home/home.jsp
EA Sports Big - www.ea.com/easportsbig/home/home.jsp
EA Tiburon - www.eatiburon.com
EA UK - www.eauk.com
Elixir Studios - www.elixirstudios.co.uk
Empire Interactive - www.empireinteractive.com
Encore Software - www.encoresoftware.com
Enemy Technology (is this right?) - www.enemytechnology.com
Enix America - www.enix.com
Enlight Software (Corporation?) - www.enlight.com
Ensemble Studios - www.ensemblesoftware.com
Enterbrain Software - www.enterbrainsoftware.com
Epic Games (or Entertainment?) - www.epicgames.com
Equinox(e?) Software (Games?) - www.equinoxsoftware.com
ESPN Video Games - www.espnvideogames.com
ESP Software - www.espsoftware.co.uk
Essential Reality (dev?) - www.essentialreality.com
Eurocom Entertainment Software - www.eurocom.co.uk
Eutechnyx - www.eutechnyx.com
Evolution Studios - www.evos.net
Evolved Games (related?) - www.evolvedgames.com
Factor 5 Games - www.factor5games.com
Fasa Studio (dev?) - www.fasastudio.com
Firaxis Games - www.firaxis.com
Firefly Studios - www.fireflyworlds.com
Flagship Games (part of Capcom?) - www.flagshipgames.com
Flying Tiger Development - www.ftdgames.com
Fox Interactive - www.foxinteractive.com
Free Radical Design (Games?) - www.frd.co.uk
Fresh Games - www.freshgames.com
From Software - www.fromsoftware.co.jp
Funcom - www.funcom.com
Fuse Games - www.fusegames.com
Game Developer Studios (part of Square or something completely different?) - www.gamedeveloperstudios.com
Games Workshop - www.gamesworkshop.com
Gas Powered Games - www.gaspoweredgames.com
Gathering of Developers - www.gathering.com
Gear Box Software - www.gearboxsoftware.com
Gene Pool Software (dev?) - www.genepoolsoftware.com
Genius Sonority Games (is this a developer?) - www.geniussonority.com
Genki - www.genki.com
Global Star Software (Games?) (part of another company?) - www.globalstarsoftware.com
GMX Media - www.gmxmedia.com
Got Game Entertainment - www.gotgameentertainment.com
Gotham Games - www.gothamgames.com
Gremlin Interactive - www.gremlin.co.uk
Grey Matter Interactive - www.greymatterinteractive.com
Griptonite Games (dev?) - www.griptonitegames.com
Groove Games - www.groovegames.com
Guerilla Games - www.guerillagames.com
Haemimont Games - www.haemimontgames.com
HAL Laborator(y?)ies - www.hallaboratories.com
Harmony Gold USA (dev?) - www.harmonygamesusa.com
Headfirst Productions (is this a developer?) - www.headfirstproductions.com
Heavy Iron Studios - www.heavyironstudios.com
Helix(e?) Games (dev?) - www.helixgames.com
Heuristic Park - www.heuristicpark.com
High Voltage Software - www.highvoltagesoftware.com
Highwater Group, The - www.thehighwatergroup.com
Hip (or HIP?) Interactive - www.hipinteractive.com
Hori (Games?) - www.hori.ne.jp
House Marque (dev?) - www.housemarque.com
Human Head Studios - www.humanheadstudios.com
Hypnotix (dev? Games?) - www.hypnotix.com
Icom Simulations (defunct dev?)
Idol Minds (dev?) - www.idolminds.com
Ignite Entertainment (dev? same as Ignition?) - www.igniteentertainment.com
Ignition Entertainment - www.ignitionentertainment.com
Illusion Softworks - www.illusionsoftworks.com
Incog, Inc. (full name?) - www.incoginc.com
Incognito Games (same as Incog, Inc.?) - www.incognitogames.com
Inevitable Entertainment - www.inevitableentertainment.com
Inferno Games - www.infernogames.com
Infinite Interactive - www.infiniteinteractive.com
Humongous Entertainment - www.humongous.com
Infogrames North America - us.infogrames.com
Infogrames Sheffield House - us.infogramessheffield.com
MacSoft - www.wizworks.com/macsoft
Insomniac Games - www.insomniacgames.com
Intelligent Systems - www.intelligentsystems.com
International Media Productions (dev? IMP.com?) - www.internationalmediaproductions.com
InterServ International - www.interservinternational.com
Inticreates Software - www.inticreatessoftware.com
InXile Entertainment - www.inxileentertainment.com
Irem Software Engineering (Studios?) - www.iremsoftwareengineering.com
iRock Games - www.irock.com
Irrational Games - www.irrationalgames.com
Jack of All Games - www.jackofallgames.com
Jester Interactive - www.jesterinteractive.com
Joy Ride Studios (dev?) - www.joyridestudios.com
Jupiter Games - www.jupitergames.com
K2 Interactive - www.k2interactive.com
Kaiju (dev?) - www.kaiju.com
Kemco (dev?) - www.kemco.com
Kamehan Studios - www.kamehanstudios.com
K-DLab - www.k-dlab.com
Khaeon Games - www.khaeongames.com
Killer Game(s?) - www.killergame.com
KOEI (all caps?) - www.koei.com
Konami - www.konami.com
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan (KCEJ) - www.konamijapan.com
Konami Computer Entertainment Korea (?) - www.konamikorea.com
Konami Computer Entertainment Osaka (KCEO) - www.konamiosaka.com
Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo (KCET) - www.konamitokyo.com
Konami JPN (CEJ? What is this?) - www.konamijpn.com
Konami Osaka - www.konamiosaka.com
Konami TYD (what is this?)
Krome Studios - www.kromestudios.com
Kujo Games - www.kujogames.com
Kuju Entertainment (Games?) - www.kujuentertainment.com
Kush Games - www.kushgames.com
Lab Rats Games - www.labratsgames.com
Laminar Research Games - www.laminarresearchgames.com
LeftField Productions -
Legend Entertainment - www.legendentertainment.com
Lego Media (Games? Interactive?)(dev?) - www.legomedia.com
Level 5 Games - www.level5games.com
Lionhead Studios - www.lionheadstudios.com
LJN Games (defunct? Back to the Future)
Lost Toys Games - www.losttoysgames.com
Luxoflux - www.luxoflux.com
M4 Games (dev?) - www.m4games.com
Mad Dog (or Maddoc?) Software - www.maddogsoftware.com
Mad Duck Productions - www.madduckproductions.com
Magenta Software - www.magentasoftware.com
Majesco Games - www.majescogames.com
Marvelous Entertainment (or Interactive?) (Inc?) - www.marvelousentertainment.com
Massive Entertainment - www.massiveentertainment.com
Matrix Games - www.matrixgames.com
Maxis - www.maxis.com
Media Mobsters - www.mediamobsters.com
Mega Enterprise (dev?) - www.megaenterprise.com
Metro 3D - www.metro3d.com
MGM Interactive (dev?) - www.mgminteractive.com
Micro Cabin Software (?) - www.microcabinsoftware.com
Microforte - www.microforte.com
Microids Games - www.microidsgames.com
Microsoft Game Studios - www.microsoftgamestudios.com
Midway Games - www.midwaygames.com
Midway Games West (diff. from Midway Games?) - www.midwaygameswest.com
Million Games - www.milliongames.com
Mindfire Production(s?) (dev?) - www.mindfireproduction.com
Mistic Software - www.misticsoftware.com
Mix Max Studios (Games?) (is this a developer?) - www.mixmaxstudios.com
Monkeystone Games - www.monkeystone.com
Monolith (Soft?) Productions - www.monolithproductions.com
MonolithSoft (div. of above?) - www.monolithsoft.com
Monster Games - www.monstergames.com
MTO Games - www.mtogames.com
Muse Software (defunct?)
Namco - www.namco.com
Namco Hometek (what is this?) - www.namcohometek.com
Natsume - www.natsume.com
Naughty Dog - www.naughtydog.com
NCSoft (game dev?) - www.ncsoft.com
NDA Productions (is this a developer?) - www.ndaproductions.com
NEC (dev? defunct?)
Net Devil Games - www.netdevilgames.com
Neversoft - www.neversoft.com
Nick Games (dev?) - www.nickgames.com
Nihilistic Software - www.nihilisticsoftware.com
Nintendo - www.nintendo.com
Nintendo NST?
Nokia N-Gage - www.n-gage.com
NovaLogic - www.novalogic.com
N-Space Games - www.n-spacegames.com
Nude Maker Games (? Steel Battalion: Line of Contact) - www.nudemakergames.com
NuFX (bought by EA) - www.nufx.com
O3 Games - www.o3games.com In Swedish
Obsidian Entertainment - www.obsidianentertainment.com
Omega Games (or is there only Omega Force Games?) - www.omegagames.com
Omega Force Games - www.omegaforcegames.com
On Deck Interactive - www.odigames.com
Opus Corporation (Games? defunct?) - www.opuscorporation.com
Origin Games - www.origingames.com
Oteeva Games - www.oteevagames.com
Outrage Games - www.outragegames.com
Oxbow Games (dev?) - www.oxbowgames.com
Pandemic Studios
Pandemic Studios - www.pandemicstudios.com
Pandemic Studios Australia - www.pandemicstudiosaustralia.com
Paradigm Entertainment - www.paradigmentertainment.com
Paradox Games (Development?) - www.paradoxgames.com
Perfect 10 (defunct?)
Phantagram Interactive - www.phantagraminteractive.com
Pipeworks Studios (Software?) - www.pipeworksstudios.com
Piranha Games - www.piranhagames.com
Pitbull Syndicate (Limited?) - www.pitbullsyndicate.com
Pivotal Games - www.pivotalgames.com
Pixelogic (dev?) - www.pixelogic.com
Planet Moon Studios - www.planetmoonstudios.com
Plastic Reality Technologies (is this a developer?) - www.plasticrealitytechnologies.com
PlayFresh (dev?) - www.playfresh.com
PlayLogic International - www.playlogicinternational.com
Play Mechanix (dev?) - www.playmechanix.com
Playmore Games (dev?) - www.playmoregames.com
PlayStation.com - www.playstation.com
Pocket Studios (dev?) - www.pocketstudios.com
Point of View Games (dev?) - www.pointofviewgames.com
Power and Magic (dev?) - www.powerandmagic.com
Presto Games (Studios?) - www.prestogames.com
Primal Software - www.primalsoftware.com
Procyon Games - www.procyongames.com
Prolific Games - www.prolificgames.com
Pseudo Interactive - www.pseudointeractive.com
Psygnosis (defunct?)
Pulsar Interactive - www.pulsarinteractive.com
Pyro Games (Studios?) (dev?) - www.pyrogames.com
Rage Games (Software?) - www.ragegames.com
Rainbow Studios (have they changed their name?) - www.rainbowstudios.com
Raven Software - www.ravensoftware.com
Raylight Studios - www.raylightstudios.com
Reality Flux Games - www.realityfluxgames.com
Rebellion Games - www.rebelliongames.com
Red Entertainment (part of Taito?) - www.redentertainment.com
Red Storm Entertainment - www.redstormentertainment.com
Reflections Games - www.reflectionsgames.com
Remedy Entertainment - www.remedyentertainment.com
Retro Studios - www.retrostudios.com
Ritual Entertainment - www.ritualentertainment
Rockstar Games
Rockstar Games - www.rockstargames.com
Rockstar North (formerly Angel Studios?) - www.rockstarnorth.com
Rockstar San Diego (formerly Angel Studios?) - www.rockstarsandiego.com
RPG Games (dev?) - www.rpggames.com
Runecraft Games (...by Design? dev?) - www.runecraft.com
Saffire Studios (or sapphire games?)- www.saffirestudios.com
Sammy Entertainment - www.sammyentertainment.com
Sandlot (dev?) - www.sandlot.com
SCI Games (Sony?) - www.scigames.com
Screaming Games - www.screaminggames.com
Secret Level Games - www.secretlevelgames.com
AM2 - www.sega-am2.co.jp
Amusement Vision (is this part of Sega) - www.amusementvision.com
Hitmaker - www.hitmaker.com
Overworks - overworks.sega.com
Sega Sports - www.segasports.com
Smilebit - smilebit.sega.com
Sonic Team - sonicteam.sega.com
United Game Artists (UGA - absorbed into Sonic Team during merger, but headquarters were kept) -
Shockwave Productions - www.shockwaveproductions.com
Shrapnel Games - www.shrapnelgames.com
Shueisha Games (dev?) - www.shueishagames.com
Sierra Games (still around?) - www.sierragames.com
Sigil Games - www.sigilgames.com
Sigil Games Online - www.sigilgamesonline.com
Silicon Knights - www.siliconknights.com
Silver Style Entertainment (Germany) - www.silverstyleentertainment
SNK (?) - www.snk.com
SNK Neo Geo USA - www.snkneogeo-usa.com
SNK Playmore - www.snkplaymore.com
Soft Enterprises (dev?) - www.softenterprises.com
SCE(A?) Santa Monica Studios - www.scesantamonicastudios.com
SCE Europe - www.sceeurope.com
SCE Foster City - www.scefostercity.com
SCEI (Sony Computer Entertainmet Interactive) - www.scei.com
SCE Studio Cambridge - www.scestudiocambridge.com
SCE Studio Liverpool - www.scestudioliverpool.com
Sony Bend (Studios?) (is this a developer?) - www.sonybend.com
Sony ImageSoft (defunct dev?)
Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) - www.soegames.net
Sony Team Soho - www.sonyteamsoho.com
Square Enix USA - www.square-enix-usa.com
Spark Unlimited (is this a game co.?) - www.sparkunlimited.com
Spike Games - www.spikegames.com
Spy Glass Games (dev?) - www.spyglassgames.com
SSG Games - www.ssggames.com
Starbreeze Studios - www.starbreezestudios.com
Stealth Studio - www.stealthstudio.com
Sting Games (dev?) - www.stinggames.com
Stormfront Studios (defunct?) - www.stormfrontstudios.com
Strategy First Games (or Interactive?) - www.strategyfirstgames.com
Studio 33 Games - www.studio33games.com
Studio Gigante - www.studiogigante.com
Sucker Punch Games (Productions?) - www.suckerpunchgames.com
Surreal Software - www.surrealsoftware.com
Swingin Ape Studios - www.swinginapestudios.com
Swiss Bit (is this a developer?) - www.swissbit.com
Taito (Games?) - www.taito.com
Takara Games (dev?) - www.takaragames.com
Take 2 Interactive
Global Star Software (division of Take 2? Should it go under 'T' or 'G' or both, what about others?) - www.globalstarsoftware.com
Taldren Software - www.taldrensoftware.com
TandESoft (T and E? or Tande?) - www.tandesoft.com
Taniko Games (dev?) - www.tanikogames.com
Tapwave - www.tapwave.com
TDK Mediactive - www.tdk-mediactive.com
Team 17 (Software?) - www.team17software.com
Team E and G (game dev?) - www.teameandg.com
Team Soho (part of another company?) - www.teamsoho.com
Team XBox (does this belong here? are they an actual separate development group?) - www.teamxbox.com
Team Ninja - teamninja.tecmo.com
Tecmo - www.tecmo.com
Tecmo of Japan (same as Tecmo?) - www.tecmoofjapan.com
Terminal Reality (Games?) (dev?) - www.terminalreality.com
Heavy Iron Studios (part of THQ?) - www.heavyironstudios.com
Tiger Hill Entertainment (dev?) - www.tigerhillentertainment.com
Tigon Studios (Vin Diesel's dev?) - www.tigonstudios.com
Titus Games - www.titusgames.com
TKO Studios - www.tkostudios.com
ToeJam & Earl Productions - www.tjande.com
Tonkin House (defunct? dev?)
Torus Games - www.torusgames.com
Tranji Games (Japan?) - www.tranjigames.co.jp
Traveller's Tales - www.travellerstales.com
Treasure Games (defunct?) - www.treasuregames.com
Tremor Entertainment - www.tremorentertainment.com
Treyarch - www.treyarch.com
Tri Ace Games - www.tri-acegames.com
Trilobyte (Software?) - defunct - 7th Guest (1993)
Triton Labs (dev?) - www.tritonlabs.com
Troika Games (or Studios?) - www.troikagames.com
Turbine Games - www.turbinegames.com
UbiSoft - www.ubisoft.com
UbiSoft Milan - www.ubisoftmilan.com
UbiSoft Montreal Studios - www.ubisoftmontrealstudios.com
UbiSoft Shanghai - www.ubisoftshanghai.com
UDS (dev?) - www.uds.com
Universal Interactive - www.universalinteractive.com
Valve Software (dev?) - www.valvesoftware.com
Vicarious Visions - www.vicariousvisions.com
Vicious Cycle - www.viciouscycle.com
Victor Interactive - www.victorinteractive.com
VIS Interactive - www.visinteractive.com
Visiontek - www.visiontek.com
Visual Concepts (part of another company?) - www.visualconcepts.com
Vivendi Universal Games - www.vivendiuniversalgames.com
VR1 Entertainment - www.vr1.com
Warp Pipe (is this a developer?) - www.warppipe.com
Way Forward Games - www.wayforwardgames.com
W-Force Omega Games (dev? what is this?) - www.w-forceomegagames.com
Whiptail Interactive - www.whiptailinteractive.com
Widescreen Games - www.widescreengames.com
Wildfire Studios - www.wildfire.com.au
Wings Simulations (is this a developer?) - www.wingssimulations.com
Wolfpack Studios - www.wolfpackstudios.com
Woodholly Studios (do they belong here? voice work on Spider-Man 2 [the game?]) - www.woodhollystudios.com
Working Designs (dev?) - www.workingdesigns.com
Xpec Entertainment (dev?) - www.xpecentertainment.com
XS Games - www.xsgames.com
XSN Sports (put under Microsoft?) - www.xsnsports.com
Z-Axis Games - www.z-axisgames.com
Zenimax Media (is this a developer?) - www.zenimaxmedia.com
Zombie Studios - www.zombiestudios.com
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